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Concorso The Water We Want 2023

Nel 2023 la Water Museums Global Network (WAMU-NET) ha lanciato la terza edizione del concorso “The Water We Want” rivolto ai giovani delle scuole di tutto il mondo. 

Attraverso questa iniziativa si è voluto esplorare il punto di vista dei giovani sull’acqua (sia naturale che culturale, tangibile e intangibile) per costruire un futuro più sostenibile e rafforzare l’educazione alla sostenibilità dell’acqua coinvolgendo i giovani stessi come narratori e narratrici del nostro futuro liquido.

Come possiamo ispirare nuove percezioni sull’acqua e nuovi modi per essere più rispettosi della natura?
Quali piccoli gesti rivoluzionari e soluzioni realizzabili possono contribuire alla rivalutazione del patrimonio idrico e al miglioramento della qualità dell’acqua?

Questa galleria espone i lavori e le parole degli studenti e delle studentesse del nostro territorio che hanno partecipato al concorso.

Secondaria di I grado - IC Quintino di Vona T. Speri
Milano Municipio 2
Lead teacher: Veronica Biraghi (proffrana)


Our students have been committed to researching the cultural aspects which make Water a vital primary resource for the survival of our mankind. Our workshop addresses on the most important historical and social aspects of water: fairy tales and legends with topic Water are investigated. These issues are incontrovertible evidences of the importance that was recognized in daily life to this liquid and vital element throughout human history. Our workshop produced a series of drawings, linked to the assigned central theme: Water.

Clicca sull’immagine per vedere i disegni della classe


Our students have been committed to researching the cultural aspects which make Water a vital primary resource for the survival of our mankind. Our workshop addresses on the most important historical and social aspects of water: common saying and aphorisms with topic Water are investigated. These issues are incontrovertible evidences of the importance that was recognized in daily life to this liquid and vital element throughout human history. Our workshop produced a series of drawings, linked to the assigned central theme: Water.

Clicca sull’immagine per vedere i disegni della classe


Our students have been committed to researching the scientific aspects which make Water a vital primary resource for the survival of our mankind. Our workshop addresses on the most important aspects of the water cycle and physical states. Our workshop produced a series of drawings, linked to the assigned central theme: Water.

Clicca sull’immagine per vedere i disegni della classe


Our students challenged in a quite funny way with a topic as important as that of Water. Sustainability, so fundamental issue as it is, is transferred and analysed in the most common activities of everyday life. Our main aim is to show how too often the belief in the inexhaustible abundance of water is wrongly taken for granted. The choice of our pupils has been also to “humanize” the animal world to highlight the worst habits that lead mankind to an unnecessary waste of water. Our workshop ultimate result consists of a series of drawings, linked to the central topic which is the very same subject of this competition: “the Water we would like to have”!

Clicca sull’immagine per vedere i disegni della classe


Our students challenged in a quite funny way with a topic as important as that of Water. Sustainability, so fundamental issue as it is, is transferred and analysed in the most common activities of everyday life. Our main aim is to show how too often the belief in the inexhaustible abundance of water is wrongly taken for granted. Our workshop ultimate result consists of a series of drawings, linked to the central topic which is the very same subject of this competition: “the Water we would like to have”! 

Clicca sull’immagine per vedere i disegni della classe


Sustainability, so fundamental issue as it is, is transferred and analysed in the most common activities of everyday life, virtuous behaviours that allow a sustainable use have been underlined. Our main aim is to show how too often the belief in the inexhaustible abundance of water is wrongly taken for granted. Our workshop ultimate result consists of a series of drawings, linked to the central topic which is the very same subject of this competition: “the Water we would like to have”!

Clicca sull’immagine per vedere i disegni della classe

Primaria - ICS Paolo e Larissa Pini, Plesso Martiri di Gorla
Milano Municipio 2
Lead teacher: Mirella Fiorani


Water makes beautiful sounds and creates enchanting magic. So why not try to reproduce these surprising sounds with water of different colors and recycled materiales? Boys and girls are enchanted listening to the wonders prodced by water until they explode in a single song: we are the water!

Clicca sull’immagine per vedere il video della classe

Primaria - IC MascagniPlesso Saint-Exupery


Let’s save the water! We don’t have to waste or pollute it. All living beings need water for their life. Water is a crucial natural resource without which, there would be no life on Earth. 97 per cent of water is in the oceans which are salty and cannot be used for drinking purpose. Of the remaining 2.5 per cent that is freshwater, most is frozen in glaciers and polar ice caps. The water supply available on earth is very limited. In the green world, water drops help animals, help trees and grass to grow better. They help the rainbow to appear. They help people to be healthy and joyful. We need to keep water for the proper supply of water for the future generations. Let’s save life on our planet! This is a collective drawing about water. Everyone told and shown his opinion.